week seventy-five: mormons can’t swim?!

Hello everyone! It was a great week in Irvine 🙂 not too much to report on but I’ll share a couple cool things.

A couple weeks ago President Taggart emailed us asking if we would be willing to speak in some Theology classes at a Lutheran high school in the area. So on Tuesday, we went! We spoke and did a Q&A session with 3 different class periods of seniors. It was sooo awesome. Basically we started out teaching the restoration and then answered questions the whole rest of the time. Other than one guy asking his teacher if as a Lutheran church they believed we were going to be saved (awkward), it was all really respectful. We were also asked a bunch of funny questions:
– I heard Mormons can’t swim, is that true?
– Do you believe you’re going to get your own planet one day? – Have you ever had coffee?
– What is your opinion of Book of Mormon the Musical?
– Can you date on your missions? (haha)

It was hilarious, but also I do feel like we cleared up a lot of things for the students and helped them to understand more about the church.

We were walking around an apartment complex one day and talked with this dad and his son. The son, Anthony, told us that he used to meet with missionaries but it had been awhile. They gave us their address and said we could come back and see them. The next day, some sisters from one of the family wards sent us a bunch of referrals who are YSA’s that they found in their areabook. One of them was Anthony, who we had just street contacted into the day before. It’s so cool how the Spirit guides us to the right places at the right times.

We had an awesome lesson with our investigator on date, Emily, this week! She brought her boyfriend, Angel, who we recently found out is a less active member, and he is interested in learning again. And then, they both came to church on Sunday!! It’s awesome when people actually progress. 🙂

Every week when I sit down to write my weekly email, I am just filled with gratitude. The Lord shows us miracles every week and always strengthens my testimony. Every week, and everyday for that matter, I am brought closer to Jesus Christ. I know that He lives! And sometimes I feel repetitive when I say that but it’s because I am so fervent in my testimony of Him and His gospel. I’m so grateful to be a missionary, and to have the privilege of bearing His name.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!


Sister Martinez 💕

1. That moment when you run into one of your bffs from BYU Hawaii!!!! 2. 🌸

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