week seventy-nine: we talk about people with Jesus Christ

Hello hello! It was a great week, but it always is when you’re serving the Lord. This past week I hit my 18 month mark of my mission. I have no idea how I’ve gotten to this point…I know it’s only been through the strength that the Lord has given me. We truly can do all things through Christ.

I don’t have much to share but the best part of this week was when I went on an exchange with Sister Wirig. She is deaf, but with her cochlear implant can hear about 30-40%. She is so awesome! She is an ASL missionary but came with me to the English program, so it was a little different but it was so fun. I know very minimal sign language, but somehow I was still able to interpret for her in most situations and we could communicate with each other. I’m so grateful for all of the exchanges I’ve been able to go on, there are so many incredible sisters and I love seeing their love and enthusiasm for the work.

On Tuesday we had Zone Conference. It was my last one which is super weird. This means that I had the opportunity to give my departing testimony. To be honest I don’t remember most of what I said, but I can tell you that I do remember how I felt. I’m so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know it’s true. I’m so grateful to be a servant of the Lord, and to have this last week of my full time mission to continue to serve. Jesus Christ lives!! I know that He knows and loves each of you individually.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!


Sister Martinez 💕
Zone Conference!

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