week thirty-three: a high of 108 but we’re feelin’ great

Hello hello! How is everyone doing?! It’s blazing hot here but we’re just chugging along. It was a hard week, but as usual there were plenty of tender mercies. Here are the highlights:

Tuesday evening we met this woman named Debbie. We were actually trying to find her son, but met her instead. When she opened her door she started crying and told us that she had been praying for us to stop by. She and her family are going through a rough time and she told us she would like us to start teaching them. This came after a day of us trying to make things happen, and nothing really happening. It was such a miracle. She was so so grateful that we went to try her, and we were so close to not stopping by due to the lack of parking in her complex. To think that we almost didn’t meet her. Tender mercy!!

Wednesday we did service at a place called Mary’s Kitchen. It’s a place where a lot of people volunteer and cook a meal for all the people who know about it (homeless people, those who can’t afford a meal, etc.). It’s so awesome because as we’re serving the food to these people we get to talk with them for a little bit. They are so kind and so grateful, such humble people. I always love being able to give them a meal. A little goes a long way.

Wednesday morning we got a text from the relief society president in our ward. She told us about this woman named Theresa who could use a visit. That night we went to go see Theresa. She lives in a nursing home for people with mental illnesses, it’s a very run down place. Just very dull and sad. When we finally found her room, we were greeted by the sweetest girl. Theresa is in her 30s and she joined the church about 4 years ago. She has multiple mental illnesses that make it difficult for her to come to church. We sat down and visited with her, and got to know each other. She shared with us that she loves to sing, and that one of her favorite songs is, “I am a Child of God”. We sang it together. Her favorite part is “Lead me, guide me, walk beside me. Help me find the way. Teach me all that I must do to live with Him someday.” We asked her why this is her favorite and she told us that it comforts her a lot to know that Christ is always leading her, guiding her, and walking beside her. In the midst of trials, Theresa finds comfort from her savior, and her faith is an example to me. We are going to be visiting with her once a week, and I’m so excited to be able to spend this time with her. I’m grateful for all of these people that Heavenly Father has placed into my path, I know that I can learn something from each of them.

Friday night we went to go see a less active family who we try to see weekly. We weren’t really able to see them in the past few weeks so it was good to see them. I mentioned them awhile ago, but I don’t know if I explained them that well. They are a young couple who are recent converts, they were baptized about three years ago. They have two little kids, ages 1 and 2, seriously some of the cutest kids. Love them so much. They cry when we leave and it’s so sad. But I’m grateful that we have such a great bond with this family. They were very active when they first got baptized but since then they’ve moved around a lot and haven’t been able to settle anywhere. With all of the moving, they haven’t really been able to stay on track in the church and attending the different wards they’ve moved into. With all of that, they’ve kind of lost their foundation and all that they were taught when they originally joined the church. This night that we saw them, they expressed that they would like to take the lessons again, and kind of relearn everything about the gospel. This was something that we’ve actually been wanting to do with them, and before we could ask, they brought it up first. They want what we have to give them. I’m so excited to see the gospel change their lives again!

Saturday morning we got a call from our Sister Training Leaders, Sister Burns and Sister Hathcock. Sister Hathcock was not feeling well and they had a couple of set appointments so they wanted to exchange for a little while. So I went out with Sister Burns and Sister Burgess stayed with Sister Hathcock. It’s always good to be with Sister Burns (love her), and we were able to have some awesome lessons (love teaching with her). I love inviting people to come unto Christ and seeing their eyes light up when we teach them about His gospel.

I guess there must be something going around because I’m sick now too 😦 I started feeling a little sick Friday but it came in full swing on Sunday. It’s never fun to be sick but it’s definitely not fun to be sick as a missionary. And on top of being sick, it literally hit 114 degrees here today!! Hahaha so crazy. But maybe eventually it will cool down, and I won’t be so sick anymore. Still grateful to be here. Still grateful to be serving.

A little shoutout to my dad who spoke in sacrament meeting yesterday. I can definitely say that is one of the many miracles that have happened because of my mission. I’m grateful to be able to share the gospel not only with the people here, but with my family, and all who may read these emails/blog posts. I love this gospel and I’m so glad Heavenly Father trusted me enough to share it with others!

I hope you all have an amazing week!


Sister Martinez 💕
Okay 😦

Pretty pretty

One thought on “week thirty-three: a high of 108 but we’re feelin’ great

  1. Martina Esther Sabo says:

    Dear Sr. Martinez,

    Your Dad gave a fantastic talk on Sunday. He spoke of you and the affect that your mission is having of so many. Rejoice.


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