week twenty-five: sundaze

{this is from two Monday’s ago}

Hello hello! This week was a little different. We didn’t teach a ton or find a lot of people, but we had some really awesome experiences. Even the “off” weeks have really cool things that happen. I don’t have a lot to say but I’ll try to give you something to read. 🙂

So Thursday we went to go see one of my favorite less active families. We see them all the time and I know they want to come to church they’re just really out of the habit and have some things going on in their lives that make it difficult. But regardless, they love our visits and I think when we leave, we feel as equally as uplifted as they do. This particular day we wanted to share a message with them about keeping the sabbath day holy. We showed them the video called “Sunday Sounds Different”.
(https://www.lds.org/media-library/video/2015-06-014-sunday-sounds-different?lang=eng) It’s a super simple video that basically just shows how everyday of the week is chaotic and busy but Sunday is different. 🙂 they loved it and seem to want to make a better effort to keep the sabbath day holy.

Since I’ve been on my mission, my view of the sabbath day has changed tremendously! I used to always be stressed out on Sunday’s, doing homework and worrying about the upcoming week. But it’s taken me until now to realize how special Sunday’s are. It’s literally a whole day out of the week that is used to put all of our focus and attention on Christ. As a missionary, that’s pretty much everyday, but Sunday’s are different. That 10 minutes during sacrament meeting when we partake of the sacrament is probably the most peaceful moment of my whole week. It’s only 10 minutes! But I cherish it and I would encourage you to as well.

Well we had something suuuuper awesome happen this week!! So last week we had a random guy show up at church. Pretty much he’s interested and just decided to show up and see what it was all about. His name is Sam and he is so awesome. So basically, the elders met him first and taught him the restoration. But we found out he actually lives in our area, so we had a pass of lesson Saturday night with Sam and the elders. We taught him the plan of salvation and it was so amazing! At the beginning he said the opening prayer and thanked Heavenly Father for bringing him His sheep to guide him. My heart was singing! He truly recognizes who we are as missionaries and how important the message that we share is. I could say so many things about this lesson, but long story short, we invited him to be baptized and he accepted. He will be baptized in hopefully about a month or so! He is so excited and we are too. 🙂 it’s so incredible to watch the gospel change people’s lives.

Sorry I’ve gotten so behind on my emails again….this was supposed to be sent two weeks ago so it’s a little out of date but I just want to make sure I keep a weekly log of my mission since I’m so bad at journaling.

This week was awesome because for awhile there it felt like not a whole lot was happening in our area…but now we are finally starting to see some of the fruits of our labors! And I’m so grateful. I’m grateful for this gospel and my call to serve at this time.

I hope you all have an amazing week!

All my love,

Sister Martinez 🌸
The Smiths aka my family away from my family 💖

One thought on “week twenty-five: sundaze

  1. Andrea Vick says:

    Hi love. Saw your mom posted a pic of you yesterday on fb that you got to FaceTime her. That’s awesome. I know she was thrilled to see you and I’m sure the feeling was mutual. Not too much here. Johnathan has joined track and is doing the pole vault. What the heck, right?! He’s doing so good. He cleared 11 feet last week, his highest so far. It’s so exciting to watch. We have ten days before everyone arrives for John’s retirement ceremony. Very excited. I hope you have a great week. Love you, Andrea

    Sent from my iPad



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