week seventy-eight: penitent cucumber

Hi everyone! It was an amazing week! It was also super busy. We had MLC on Tuesday and then we had the opportunity to teach 3 zone trainings on Wednesday and Thursday. It was a lot but it was awesome. I’m going to miss all of the meetings we have as missionaries so much.

So for those who don’t know, we are given a certain amount of miles we can drive each month. We were about to run out of miles for the month, so on Tuesday and Wednesday after our meetings we spent the whole day walking. Normally this wouldn’t be too hard but our area is an entire stake which made it hard to go anywhere on foot. We had an a set appointment with this guy named Angel. After finally making it to his apartment complex, Angel told us he had to reschedule. We were kind of frustrated since we had walked all that way to see him, but then we met a girl named Aureli who lives in the same complex as him. We walked past her and starting talking with her. She ended up setting a return appointment with us and we’ll be meeting with her this week. Before we leave the car, we usually always pray and ask for Heavenly Father to place people in our path as we walk. I know that we had to walk all that way so that we could meet Aureli. Heavenly Father truly placed her in our path.

Thursday was such a cool day. After zone training, we headed to IVC (local college) for an appointment. While we were waiting for the person we were supposed to be teaching to show up, Sister Garcia and I were practicing our ASL and signing to each other on a grass area on campus. After a few minutes of signing, a woman named Rovena came up to us and started signing. It turns out she is hard of hearing and knows ASL. She ended up giving us her contact info and said she would be willing to meet with the ASL sisters. It was so amazing! If we hadn’t been signing, Rovena never would have come up to us, and she might not ever have had the chance to hear about the gospel. God’s timing is perfect.

After being at IVC, we had an appointment with our investigator Sam. A few weeks ago some of the family ward sisters in Irvine referred him to us but all they had was his phone number. We called him to invite him to church and he ended up coming on Easter! And then we finally met with him this week. He moved here a few years ago from Dubai. He is Druze, which is a very small religion that is some sort of cross between Islam and Christianity. But he is very open to learning. We taught him the restoration and he had lots of really awesome questions, and said he would be baptized if he came to know the things we taught are true. It was so great.

After Sam, we still had some time before dinner so we went to go stop by a potential named Mary. About a month and a half ago, we stopped by and met her dad Hossain. I think I wrote about it but a quick refresher, their family moved here from Iran so that they could practice Christianity, but Hossain said they hadn’t found the right sect yet. He said he would be going to Iran to visit family for a month, so we hadn’t been able to follow up with them yet. Well this time, Mary and her mom, Peggy, were there and they invited us in. We were able to teach them the restoration and it went so well! They speak pretty good English but Farsi is much better for them. They asked us to find a Persian congregation nearby for them (which we are still working on), so that they can join. πŸ™‚ it was amazing.

This work is incredible. I love being a missionary more than words can express! Jesus Christ lives and His gospel is true. I know it.

I hope you all have an amazing week!


Sister Martinez πŸ’˜

1. last MLC
2. πŸ’
3. lunch with our pals in Anaheim

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