week seventy-two: same

Hi everyone! It was a great week. Sister Garcia and I are both sick which has not been fun…but we still did lots of awesome stuff.

On Tuesday we went on exchanges, I went to Anaheim with Sister Benn. Ahh I missed Anaheim! It was a great day. We met some people with lots of potential and saw miracles. We were walking down the street and saw this woman crying on the sidewalk. Sister Benn felt like we needed to go pray with her. So we did, and testified of Heavenly Father’s love for her. She was so grateful and said it wasn’t a coincidence that we ran into her. I know that Heavenly Father is so mindful of every single one of His children.

God’s timing is so perfect. We had two miracles happen this week that are perfect examples of this. Friday night we were waiting in our car to meet up with some other sisters for a pass off lesson. I saw this guy across the street just walking around and we decided to go talk to him. His name was Emmanuel and he ended up being super interested and set up a return appointment with us! Our pass off lesson ended up falling through, but if we hadn’t been there we never would’ve met Emmanuel. We haven’t been finding a lot of new investigators lately so this was huge.

Saturday we went on another exchange, I stayed in our area with Sister Utley. We had an appointment with our investigator Nathan, but he never confirmed with us so we showed up anyways. We knocked and waited and nobody came to the door so we left….after driving for about a minute I felt like we needed to check the phone. We checked it and Nathan had texted us asking if that was us who knocked, and asked if we could come back to pray with him. We went back and prayed with him and committed him to read a specific chapter from the Book of Mormon that applies to what he’s going through right now. I’m so grateful for the Holy Ghost because if I hadn’t been prompted to check the phone we wouldn’t have been able to see Nathan and help him that day.

Later on in our exchange, we also had something else really cool happen. We have been trying this potential named Mary the whole time I’ve been here and she’s never home or available. Well this time we knocked on the door and her dad, Hossain, answered and immediately invited us in. He told us to sit down and to tell him about our religion, and what makes us different from other Christians. He proceeded to tell us that he and his family left Iran so that they could practice Christianity, but they haven’t found the right sect yet. WHAT. He and his family are super prepared. We’re going back soon to give them a Book of Mormon in Persian. πŸ™‚

I’m so grateful for the gospel. I know it’s true.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!


Sister Martinez πŸ’•

2 + 3. At “The Eternal Family” institute class on Thursday night we had wedding cake and Martinelli’s to toast to eternal marriage hahaha

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